Our approach is one of trusting identified leaders to have insight into the competencies and opportunities they require to bring about the change they want. We therefore wish to work with them to better define and realise these aspirations. In addition we capacitate them to become effective leaders in empowerment and transformation through our in-house diversity living and leadership intervention. We also want to play a role in placement of future leaders in positions of influence. Our Foundation will track their progress and tell the stories of their future success.
Our Foundation appreciates the complexity of transformation and leadership development therefore we partner with likeminded funders and impactful implementers. We don’t reinvent the wheel.
After 20 years of democracy a significant number of black people that were historically disadvantaged remain marginalised, and often cannot escape the poverty trap and lead fulfilling lives. Vulnerable groups such as the youth and women are particularly disadvantaged. Changes in policy and society are creating more opportunities for black people and vulnerable groups to move into leadership positions, albeit still not enough. Several psychological, educational and institutional barriers remain that prevent black leaders from reaching full potential.
We have adopted a clear theory of change to help direct us in helping black leaders to reach their full potential whilst also guiding our evaluation processes. It was refined in 2018, to ensure our programmes remain relevant to our beneficiaries and contribute towards a transformed and unified country.